I am enjoying my workouts! I went to the gym/pool today the third straight day and have gym/pool visits already planned for Friday and Sunday. I think it is very possible I can reduce my weight from 240lbs to 200-210lbs, and increase my aerobic conditioning and maybe my muscle mass and flexibility.
3.5 work shifts before I am officially retired!! So I will have more time to exercise.
Improved physical conditioning should help my photography, especially the AMBROTOS KANATA project.
Note* I always wondered how people could be so comfortable at freestyle swimming (front crawl) that they could swim over lakes, or across the English Channel. It always tired me out, hurt to do the stroke. Today was the first time, I kinda felt comfortable doing front crawl. It seemed easier, even calming. I enjoyed it, and kinda felt bad when I stopped to climb into the hot pool. Easy freestyle swiming is weird sensation when you have been swimming all of your life and you make that discovery at 60. I hope this feeling continues and gets stronger. Allowing for longer and longer swims with FLIP TURNS :)!!!!