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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Freddy Coming Out Of Hibernation

 Taking him (FREDDY) out of winter hibernation next week!! Time to start working on the AMBROTOS KANATA, ambrotype project again.

Freddy (named after Frederick Scott Archer) is coming out of hibernation!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Free Foam

I picked up some free yellow foam from a work garbage (petro chemical plant where I work security). Will try to adapt it to help me transport large sheets of glass this AMBROTOS KANATA season. Might not work but its worth a try, and its free!

One of my early challenges in this project is transporting glass.

Made Two Submissions

I just made 2 gallery submissions to the main gallery at CASA in Lethbridge, Alberta. It is a nice facility with an CARFAC artist fee of $...