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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

14 Inch Projection Lens, Almost Ready!


The lens board for my 14 inch Charles Beseler EF Series III projection lens, bought a year or so ago, has arrived. I needed to file it slightly larger. Now it fits snugly around the lens. I still have to fill in the rough areas of the lens board hole with tape or some kind of putty to seal up some small light leaks.

I have no idea what this cheaper lens images will look like but I am willing to give it a try. My friend Kurt M in Italy recommended projection lens, now I will be able to play with my first. I am hoping they will be effective for portraiture. These projection lens do not have apertures, only the single large lens size hole. The lens should be very fast as lots of light is coming in through the glass, but I have no idea of its sharpness or depth of field/focus.

Hope the Ambrotypes look good! I can shoot it with the HF2024 and the Chamonix 16x20 and the new/used Chamonix 24x24. Doubt it will have the coverage for the HF3535.

If this lens works, I might get larger and smaller ones, they are still pretty cheap to purchase.

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