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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Ups and Downs of 20x24 Mammoth Ambrotypes!

So, the ups and downs of Mammoth wet plate work. I am having an up and down day. I am learning a lot but not producing much.

The latest learn? The 20x24 inch plate is to big to stop wash in my trailer sink. I can do it with 16x20 but 20x24 glass is damn tough. I ended up dropping it into the sink and. Breaking a corner. I will try a water tray next time.
Lots of firsts today. First test plate at 20x24. First use of 42 inch lens. First use of more developer in jars (worked). First cooler cooled developer (29.4C in the trailer). First support system to aid development.
A good learning day I might step back to a 16x20 camera next trip.
Cottonwoods near Drumheller Alberta.
9 min 30 seconds, 42-inch Goertz Lens, Gerry Collodion, Vinegar Developer, f128

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