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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Links: 24x24 Inch Silver Tank


Today I got my new 24x24 acrylic silver tank. When the lid is attached the tank is leak proof, hopefully! I also had a wooden stand built.Everything done by UNDER RED LIGHT.

The hope is to screw the wooden stand into the floor of the trailer then place the tank inside it. I might be able to travel without removing the silver from the tank. Dangerous! Imagine spilling a 24x24 inch tank of silver!! If not, I will remove most of the silver into bottles that are then placed in a large cooler and then travel with the empty tank mounted to the trailer floor.

I will rework the interior of the trailer this season to accommodate this new silver tank gear and also the new 2 large wash tables I bought earlier.

I will put away the 8x10 camera this season and shoot 11x14 and 14x14 ambrotypes along with a few 24x24 plates. 35x35 inch plates are getting closer!

Note* IF I travel with silver in it I might also build a top plywood cover of some kind. So double duty plywood protection. I will probably store the silver in the cooler but there might be certain  situations where I have to travel quickly and leave it in the tank. 

For those interested check out the links.

24x24 Silver Tank Video

Stand Video

Wash Table

11x14 Chamonix Camera

24x24 Chamonix Camera

24x24 inch acrylic Silver Tank

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