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Monday, September 9, 2024

24x24 Plates, First Try!

My first ever attempt at the 24x24 plates!! It was fun and VERY challenging.

First time using the camera to make 24x24 inch plates. First time using the silver tank for that size, first time flowing that size plate with collodion, first time developing that size plate. 

I made 3 -24x24 inch plates tater in the day yesterday at Lake Winnipeg. 1-a complete disaster, 2-better but terrible, 3- almost OK (over exposed with edge issues).

It was a great learning experience. 14x14 inch Ambrotypes seem so much easier. I made 9 -11x14 inch plates earlier that day without too many issues. 24x24 is monster hard in comparison. 

This is my second last big jump. After 24x24 is accomplished only 35x35 remains! It is important to figure out 24x24. I will take the camera across the country making plates for AMBROTOS KANATA.

24x24 Chamonix Camera
Dimsum at the camera position the next day.

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