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Sunday, April 28, 2024


Picked up two large, used, horse tack boxes. 36 inches long, 24 inches, 25 inches tall. 3/4 inch plywood with metal supports all round. Each box is 70 lbs and super solid. Cost was $60 CAD for 2. 

I plan to paint them black then place 1 on the flatbed of the beast and 1 in the trailer. The trailer box will be used to safely house my 24x24 inch silver tank. The idea being I will be able to safely travel with the acrylic leak proof tank, secure, inside box WITHOUT removing the silver nitrate.  This would only be done in shooting situations where I need a quick departure.  The silver and the tank should be well protected, inside this wooden safe.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

New Larger Truck Magnets

The new larger truck magnets for the ambrotype project, look nice. Also got a stamp. 

I will place the magnets on the BEAST 1 ton or Fanny the motorhome. Hope it gives me a more official look when dealing with security, police and the general public.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Next Week Off

Will Shoot 11x14 and maybe 14x14 Ambrotypes next week off work! Having THE BEAST this year to pull the trailer, should allow me to make many more images.

Flatbed, 2 Functions

The flatbed is a multipurpose device. I will shoot from on top but today it is a table.

Video: First Ambrotype Shoot of the Year


Got an image on my first try this season using last years collodion mix. 45 seconds f64, 120mm lens on my 8x10 Deardorff. A promising stat to the season!

“Ain”t Photography Grand!!!”

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Beast and Freddy!

Hooked Freddy the darkroom trailer to THE BEAST (1 ton F350 Ford flatbed truck)  for the first time. She pulls beautifully. I might need to change out the 6 pin truck trailer connector for a 7 pin. I am currently using an adapter, not sure that is the best solution.  Will try to do an 8x10 dyptch today of a school park.

First shoot of the season!

Update* I found that driving, backing up and connecting the trailer to the hitch is way easier with the 1 ton versus the motorhome. I have been told a long vehicle with a short trailer is the most difficult to back up (like the motorhome trailer set up I use). I found today driving the 1 ton that I could hook up the trailer by myself and that driving was much easier, maybe 1/2 as hard.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024



Link: Interview Delayed

My interview with Tomasz the editor of FRAMES magazine was postponed today. Tomasz got called in to speak at a college he teaches at n Switzerland. We will try to reschedule in two weeks.

This is maybe for the best. I have been fighting a bad cough and hoarse voice all week. I should be in better voice, in 2  weeks time. These internet vids last forever, best to be understood!

Update* Rescheduled for May 1.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Magnet Signs

Put the project magnets on THE BEAST wet plate truck. Looks OK, a bit small. I like the quality, will order some bigger ones. The hope is the signs will help spread the word and distract visitors from interrupting me as I shoot.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Sign Magnets and Project Cards

Got my truck magnets (2) and project cards (100) today. Pretty good quality for $81 CAD. Let’s see how long they last!!

The plan is to put the sign magnets on the doors of the 1 ton BEAST truck and hand out the cards to curious visitors.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Link: Video Interview Scheduled

Doing a video interview for the FRAMES magazine photography YouTube channel, on April 17th. It should be a fun time, an hour or so of talk and photo stories. Thank you Tomasz for this opportunity to share.

Here is Tomasz interviewing documentary photographerAlex Frederickson.

Sample FRAMES Interview 

The HF3535 and the BEAST!

For a long time I have been trying to figure out how I can get the HF3535 camera into the field making Ambrotypes for AMBROTOS KANATA. The camera is huge and weighs in at about 150lbs plus holders and lens.

My latest thinking is to couple it with the new used BEAST 1 ton I bought for $7500 CAD.

The idea is to carry the camera on the flatbed of the truck and to use it as a tripod of sorts. I am also thinking of incorporating a large lift table, to allow for better compositions.

Sunday, April 7, 2024


Turned 60 today. All a bit frightening. I am running out of time to achieve my dreams.

Dad would have been 92.

A birthday gift to myself. I hope I can learn something.

Thursday, April 4, 2024


Paid $81 for some promotional things for AMBROTOS KANATA. I can use both to deal with curious bystanders as I make photos. I will place the magnets on the doors of the BEAST.

Two 10x20 inch Magnet signs:

100 business cards:

Working on Darkroom Trailer

Spent the day working on the truck, repaired a faulty signal light and on the trailer. I am changing the design of the trailer, removed the rear metal shelf (it was falling apart), and removed the plastic drawers.

I need to build my 24x24 silver nitrate tank stand and install it on the floor. I then need to build some kind of protective cover, the stand and tank do not get damaged during travel. I want to simplify the design, carry less in the trailer, and place some of the camera items (body, tripod) on the beast, the truck. Will have to figure it all out this week.

I also placed the batteries in the trailer, they were in the house over the long winter months.

The hope is to get out making 11x14 ambrotypes in 2 weeks time, with the trailer (Freddy) and truck (Beast).

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Beast!!

Well I picked up my new/used Ford F350 Super Duty Flatbed truck today. Now I need to figure the best ways I can use it to produce strong ambrotypes for AMBROTOS KANATA.

Will need to de-winterize and set up the darkroom trailer so I can start making Ambros. Hopefully will be in the field creating  2 weeks from now, still in APRIL. Now that I have a second tow vehicle (not only FANNY the motorhome), I am planning to make Ambrotypes all year round, even in the dead of winter. This unit should be able to handle snow and ice. 

I will sometimes photograph from on top of the bed, giving me about 40 inches of safe extra shooting height. I might also be able to use the bed as a place to put my working darkroom trays. Which could eliminate the need to carry tables in the trailer, freeing up space and shortening set up times.

The truck seems to be a more a he than a she. I will call him, “THE BEAST”.

Made Two Submissions

I just made 2 gallery submissions to the main gallery at CASA in Lethbridge, Alberta. It is a nice facility with an CARFAC artist fee of $...